Food Service » Food Service

Food Service

Food Service Parent WebPortal

Contact the Food Service Office to receive parent login information. Once you have a user name and password, you can view your student's account history and make payments online by clicking HERE.

ALL Student meals are FREE under the Community Eligibility Provision program.

Education Benefits Forms are accepted throughout the school year. This form is available at each school office and the food service office. The form is also available below. Parents are encouraged to complete the form. By families completing the form, this helps our district qualify for this program which allows all students to receive free meals. It is also necessary for eligibility for summer EBT benefits.

Eat Breakfast at School for FREE!
Make breakfast a part of your morning! Breakfast is served daily at each building. As students are dropped off in the mornings from the bus or by parents, our staff is waiting to serve our students with a smile. Students who eat breakfast perform better. Start the day out right...EAT SCHOOL BREAKFAST.
Service Times and Locations per building:
Durand High School in the cafeteria from 7:00am - 7:20am
Durand Middle School in the cafeteria from 7:05am - 7:25am
Robert Kerr Elementary in the gym from 8:00am - 8:20am
Bertha Neal Elementary in the gym from 8:15am - 8:35am

*Parent and student feedback are always welcome. Please contact the food service director with any questions or comments regarding the food service program, 989-288-8957.
Food Service Office
9550 E. Lansing Rd. Durand, MI 48429
Lorie Grant
Food Service Director

Phone: (989) 288-8957

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