Durand Area Schools will integrate technology into the district's everyday operations, thereby supporting and enriching instruction, expanding opportunities for exploration and research, and giving students the technological skills necessary to be successful after high school and into their adult lives. This integration will extend parents and guardians the invitation and opportunity to participate fully in their children's educational success.
We strive to keep the electronic devices of Durand Area Schools running as expected. But sometimes, things don't go as planned, and you find yourself with a device that needs repair. Other times you want to learn how to do things yourself, but are lost on where to start. Therefore, we’ve updated our web page to include documentation to aid you in accomplishing these goals.
To get started, drill down in a category to see if we have what you need. If you can’t find what you need, use the request support button at the bottom to request further assistance.
Cyber Workbench
- G Suite Learning Center
- Free training for Google Docs, Sheets, G-Mail, Drive and more.
- Google Apps For Education
- Free and paid apps for educational use
- Google Classroom
- Classroom helps classes communicate, save time, and stay organized.
- Adobe Software
- Go here to download Acrobat Reader or Flash Player.
- CutePDF
- Create professional quality PDFs for free. PDFs created by CutePDF can be read by Acrobat Reader. CutePDF can create PDFs from almost any printable document.
- Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning
- Michigan Education Technology Planning
- Office of Education Improvement and Innovation.
- Microsoft Security Essentials
- Free anti-virus software from Microsoft.
- PCMag
- Technology news, reviews, and opinions
- PCWorld
- Technology advice you can trust.
- Scanning hints and tips for photos and documents.
- Snopes Internet hoaxes, email rumors, and urban legends.
- Software from Journey Education Discounted software (Including Microsoft titles) for staff and students.
- How fast is your Internet connection? Check it at this website.
- Zamzar Free online file conversion.
- Chrome OS
- Google Backup and Sync - This site is under construction. Please check back later.
- Google Drive
- Google Mail
- Kami
- Microsoft Office
- ActivInspire Manual
- Quizizz AI Certification
- Quizizz Get Certified
- Quizizz Learning Paths
- Quizizz University
- Screencastify
- Software Center
- Windows 10
- Windows 11 - Coming Fall 2025
Technology Agreement Archive
If you need a technician to further assist you, please create a service desk ticket by clicking the the Request Support button below.